Free shipping on orders over $100 (WITH PLASTIC FREE PACKAGING)
Free Shipping on orders over $100 (WITH PLASTIC FREE PACKAGING)
Solid products that do not need a plastic bottle or jar to work effectively!
Solid products that do not need a plastic bottle or jar to work effectively!
Moon is a journey beyond time and space, immersing you in the serene beauty of a moonlit night!
Fiona gives this a 5 star rating:
"Lovely fragrance, awesome blend - sweet and clean and I love the packaging."
The two crazy cats behind Viva La Body! Jo & Micko love all things handmade and found!
We are proud to share that we have contributed to 11,000+ trees being planted in the Leuser ecosystem in Sumatra. This project has now finished and we are proud to have assisted in this conservation work.
Listen to the Eco Impactors podcast on Spotify to learn more about this project. Here is the link: Orangutan Information Centre (OIC) My Step To Protect Campaign
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